/  Vieri Piazzesi

Vieri Piazzesi

Enrolled in courses at the Fiesole School of Music since the age of 4, he graduated in double bass in the 2012 academic year at the “Luigi Cherubini” conservatory in Florence in the class of M° Andrea Capanni. He began his training at the age of seven under the guidance of M° Alberto Bocini. He then continued his studies with masters such as Massimo Pinca, Marco Martelli and Fabrizio Petrucci at the Music School of Fiesole. In the year 2015, he graduated with honors in the Second Level Experimental Biennium class of maestros A. Bernardi and A. Bocini at the Superior Institute of Musical Studies “A. Peri” in Reggio Emilia. He further continued his studies with maestro A.Bocini in the class of Master en Interprétation Musicale en Contrebasse, filière Orchestre, at the Haute École de Musique de Genève, earning in May 2017 the diploma awarded at the end of the aforementioned two-year course.


During the years of his training, he took part in numerous master classes held by internationally renowned masters such as Klaus Stoll, Joel Quarrington, Philipp Stubenrauch, Petru Iuga, Alberto Bocini, Antonio Sciancalepore and Ermanno Calzolari.
He boasts, more than a decade of orchestra experience gained from an early age with ensembles such as the Orchestra dei ragazzi, Orchestra Galilei and the Orchestra Giovanile Italiana of the Scuola di musica di Fiesole. Starting in the year 2014, he has collaborated several times with the “L. Cherubini” Youth Orchestra, conducted by Riccardo Muti, in whose ranks he has served until 2019 after being successful in the audition called by that foundation in the year 2016. In this orchestra he has held the role of second double bass several times, as well as first double bass on some occasions. He also counts among his experiences numerous collaborations with the Orchstre de la Suisse Romande, the Philharmonic Orchestra “Toscanini” of Parma, the orchestra of the “Maggio Musicale Fiorentino” and the Orchestra dei Pomeriggi Musicali of Milan. In July 2021, he was a successful candidate in the competition for the role of double bass in a row announced by the orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, and since September of the same year he has joined that prestigious ensemble on a permanent basis. Starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, he holds the position of assistant to M°Anita Mazzantini in the class of pre-academic and academic double bass courses at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole.
