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Support VPM

Why support us ?

We are unique in the world in our genre

We merge music and architecture together to create a classical music festiva

We promote a different way to make research and teaching

Experimental verification and performance at virtually the same space/time

Because we are a NO PROFIT Association

all donations that we collect with this fundraising will be used only for the improvement of VPM

It’s easy, click on the “sign up” button, fill out the downloaded form and pay the membership fee by bank transfer or Stripe.

To use Stripe you don’t need an account, just your credit / prepaid card!

Sign up to be a MAR member

Sign up for the 2023 membership to Associazione MAR - Musica, Arte, Ricerca and be present as auditor to all the organized activities by MAR, VPM23 included!
  • All the lectures
  • All the Music LAB classes
  • All VPM23 concerts
  • VPM t-shirt

Free Donation!

Support our project!
  • Acoustic Research
  • ReS construction
  • More concerts
  • Even more artists

Importo: €  

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